What's New in 21R2.2
The Nitro 21R2.2 release includes several new features.
Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.
Nitro Explorer
To improve efficiency, users in Nitro Explorer can now use advanced filtering directly from the dashboard. This eliminates the need to create separate filters as charts.
To share content, users can now import dashboards to Nitro Explorer.
SQL Parameters in Nitro Explorer SQL
Users can now reuse SQL queries and datasets by enriching them with template and URL parameters and referencing them in multiple charts and dashboards.
The following chart types are now available to illustrate customer data:
- Funnel Chart - allows users to visualize KPI data
- Force Directed Graph Chart - allows users to visualize data as many-to-many relationships
- Circular Graph Chart - allows users to visualize data as a one way flow from an event
- Tree Chart - allows users to visualize data as a hierarchy, for example, an organizational management tree structure
Inbound Connectors
LexisNexis Claims Industry Connector
A new industry data connector for LexisNexis allows users to upload claims data for life science companies into the Nitro database. See the LexisNexis data model.
A new industry data connector for CareMetx allows users to upload patient-level activity data for life science customers into the Nitro database. See the CareMetx data model.
Role-Based Access to Nitro Admin Console
As part of their overall Nitro Security policy, customers can now provide two levels of access to users. Business users can now have view-only access to the NAC allowing them to view non-admin content, for example Data Quality or Usage Metrics.
To request view-only access for a user, create a Nitro support ticket.
Permissions are now granted automatically to users of collaborative workspaces, eliminating the need to run a script when they create a new table for other users in the workspace to view. This saves users time and effort when sharing workspace data.
Network Intelligent Sync Reporting Schema
Views created in the reporting schema (report_current and report_history) now show all records, regardless of the underlying Open Data record state. This saves users time and effort when gathering information. Previously, only records with ‘VALID’ record states displayed using the schemas, forcing users to access the ODS schema to view other record states.)
Call Samples Mapped to CIR and Customer 360
A new map for call samples (call2_sample_vod) from CRM connectors allows customers to add data to the customer interaction repository (cir_gbl_ods__v).
Call Samples Added to Customer 360 Star
A new field for call samples (cir_gbl_ods__v.quantity__v) in the Customer 360 Star (fact_account_360__v) allows customers to see sample data as it relates to customers and territories.
User Visible and Behavior Changes
User experience improvements in this release include the following items.
Nitro Explorer
- Updated chart gallery - users can locate visualizations more easily
- SQL queries from dashboards - users can now download data and view SQL queries in dashboards
- Large file support - users can upload large files (up to 250 MB) and run long queries (up to 20 minutes) without experiencing timeouts