Whats New in 20R2.4

The Nitro 20R2.4 release includes several new features.

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.


Inbound Connectors

Jitsushoka Field Length Increased

The field length for jsk_target__v is increased to support multibyte characters in STG and ODS tables.

Symphony APLD Loading Pattern Changed

The load patterns for the Diagnosis, Rx, Procedure, and Surgical ODS tables are converted to the rolling load pattern. Rolling date keys are introduced to support incremental files loads.

Integrichain Staging Load Pattern Changed

The load pattern used for the 867 Sales and 852 Inventory STG tables is converted to the raw load pattern to support larger files.

Oncology Link Additional Attributes

The following attributes are now available for the Oncology Link Connector:

  • ol_scientific_expert__v.emerging_expert__v
  • ol_event_attendee__v.talk_title_translation__v


Global Reference Table

A new Global Reference table (nitro_reference_gbl_ods__v) allows translations from codes to values in appropriate languages. Global reference table is used to map and translate key values from any table to the appropriate language necessary for global reporting. You must map both referencecode__v and referencetype__v to attain the appropriate value. Each code can be used for more than one type. Users can select the language on a record to display in global reports by matching other global tables to the following fields:

  • referencecode__v
  • referencetype__v

Global Tables Naming Convention Standardization

All global table columns are standardized with a consistent naming convention:

  • composite_key__v - The primary key used to identify unique records in global tables. At a minimum, these consist of source connector name and native id.
  • native_id__v - The natural key used for unique records in the source tables.
  • For CRM records - crm_object_id__v
  • For Network records - vid__v
  • source_connector_name__v - The name of the connector the record is sourced from.
  • source_table_name__v - The table name in the source connector the record is sourced from. If multiple tables are used to source data, it is the name of the main table used in the join.
  • system_id__v - The value provided when creating a connector. This is a required field for CRM, Vault, and Network. This value can be blank for FTP type connectors.

Global Cross Reference Table Renamed

The Global Cross Reference table is renamed master_data_xref_gbl_ods__v, to more accurately reflects the data used as part of the cross reference.

Demographic Global Table Supports Additional Attributes from Network

The Global Demographic table now contains additional standard attributes from Network to support reporting at the global level.

User Global Table Supports Additional Attributes from Align

The Global User table now contains additional standard attributes from Align to support reporting at the global level.

Global Product Table

The Global Product table now contains data from a product master sourced in Network.

Global Territory Tables

The following new tables support global reporting by territory. The data used in these tables is sourced from Align connectors.

  • territory_gbl_ods__v
  • field_force_gbl__v
  • account_territory_gbl__v
  • territory_geo_gbl__v
  • territory_account_roster_gbl__v
  • territory_roster_gbl__v