What's New in 20R2.0

The Nitro 20R2.0 release includes several new features.

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.


Inbound Connectors

Symphony Non-Retail Sales Industry Connector

A new FTP industry connector for Symphony Non-Retail Sales allows users to upload institution level sales data. Non-Retail incorporates indirect and direct drug sales into institutions including private and government hospitals, clinics, home healthcare providers, HMO captive pharmacies, and mail-order pharmacies.

Veeva Oncology Link Industry Connector

A new industry FTP connector for Veeva Oncology Link allows users to upload oncology expert data. This connector stores the national and regional scientific expert profiles, remains current on clinical activities, understands HCP relationships, sentiment toward therapies, and more.


YAML File Validation

Nitro now validates table YAMLs to detect invalid table, column name, and data type when the metadata is stored. If any of these are found during validation, an error occurs and the metadata is not stored. Since admins are notified in advance of loading table YAML files into Nitro if there is an issue with the file, they can correct any issues before the table is created.

Export/Import Outbound Connector Configuration

Admins can now move outbound connector configurations, including definitions and contents, from one instance to another instance as a package. This reduces migration effort and copy and paste errors.

Support Max Error Count Setting in FTP YAML

Admins can now update the max error count attribute (maxErrorCount) in an FTP YAML file for a data source. This allows admins to load partial files with more than 1,000 errors without the ctl file (control file). The default value is 1,000. If a max error count is not provided, the default value is used.


Custom Connectors

A new load pattern (pt_ftp_ods_upsert_deletion__v) and key field (deleteKey) is available for users to upload Symphony APLD data. This allows users to load Incremental files including previously delivered records that need to be updated. Nitro deletes the previous record in ODS.

Enhanced Rolling Partition Load Pattern

Enhanced rolling partition pattern supports multiple markets for the partition. This allows customers to use a rolling load pattern with a partition key to load data into a table, and also allows admins to upload a file containing the different market data.