Intelligent Sync Connectors

Intelligent sync connectors automatically sync metadata and data from other application platforms into Nitro. Intelligent sync connectors are designed to operate with little to no input from the data administrator.

The following Intelligent Sync connectors can be configured using the NAC:

Using Intelligent Sync Connectors

To keep the Nitro platform up to date, schedule the sync job that runs as a part of the intelligent sync connector. This can be done using the NAC:

Adding Objects to Allowlists for Intelligent Sync Connectors

In order to add objects to the scope of your intelligent sync connector, add them to the appropriate allowlist. Nitro has a list of core objects included for each Intelligent Sync Connector. Veeva CRM and Veeva Vault customers create and maintain their own objects in each platform. These objects can be included in the Intelligent Sync connector by creating a .yml file and uploading it as a part of the allowlist library.

The following Nitro Allowlist Object tables are available for reference:


name: my_custom_object__c
enabled: true
source: CRM
- sourceSchema: CRM
targetSchema: STG
pattern: pt_crm_stg_incrementalextract__v
filter: where SystemModstamp > $[LMD]
- sourceSchema: STG
targetSchema: ODS
pattern: pt_crm_ods_ed_history__v
- MayEdit
- Lock_vod__c
- createdBy
- lastModifiedBy
- LastViewedDate
- IsLocked
- LastReferencedDate
- createdById

Do not include blocklistColumns fields in the Nitro database.

The filter mapping attribute is used to filter data outbound from the source, in this case, data coming from CRM. Include a fully qualified SOQL query where clause supported by the BULK API as a filter.