What's New in 22R2.0.200

The Nitro 22R2.0.200 release includes several new features.

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.


Data Load

Nitro Deciling Job

To reduce the cost of producing deciled data and increase HCP targeting effectiveness, the HCP Deciling job ranks targets based on key attributes when admins select a data source, HCP ID, and a value column to decile by. Admins can run the HCP Deciling job multiple times to create different models of deciled data. Results can be viewed in Nitro Explorer for further analysis and visualization. For more information, see Nitro Launch.

Business Applications

Nitro Launch

To assist users in launch planning, post-launch tracking, and retargeting as a reaction to market events, a new business application, Nitro Launch, is available in Explorer. Nitro Launch uses provider data and Nitro Deciling, along with a new dashboard with several embedded charts, to help users visualize different deciling models to identify target segments of providers. Users can also send the target list and decile values to CRM or Align using Nitro’s outbound connectors.

Business apps are enabled on demand based on a customer’s needs. Submit a support ticket to add the Nitro Launch app to your Nitro environment.