What's New in 20R3.3

The Nitro 20R3.3 release includes several new features.

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.



Data Quality Thresholds Added to Job Orchestrations

Job Orchestrations with a Data Quality node now display a rule/group alert status (RED/YELLOW/GREEN) to allow systems to detect invalid data early in the job process, preventing it from being added to downstream reports. For RED status (violations exceeded threshold), the downstream dependent jobs are aborted.


Configurable Dynamic Channels Added to Global CIR

Dynamic channels can now be configured in the Global Customer Interaction Repository (CIR) to allow customers to use their own channel definition when populating the global ODS. Any defined value on the source table can drive what overwrites the Nitro defined activity channel in the Global ODS.

Global ODS Tables Now Support Start- and End-Dated Effective Dates

All Global ODS tables now support Network start- and end-dated effective dates. This matches the Intelligent Sync Network connector’s use of effective dates, allowing this data from Network to be included in Global ODS tables. Start- and end-dated effective dated records from Network are now supported in the following Global ODS tables:

  • Demographics
  • Nitro Reference
  • Master Cross Reference
  • Affiliation
  • Master Product

Veeva Data Cloud Connector

A new Veeva Data Cloud (VDC) industry connector allows users to load VDC claims data directly into Nitro using FTP file upload. Previously, users were required to create a custom connector to upload this data, which was time-consuming. The Veeva Data Cloud connector provides claims data at the patient, prescriber, procedure, and diagnosis level.