What's New in 19R2.11
The Nitro 19R2.11 release includes several new features.
Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. Configuration is available by selecting the feature name.
Upserting SCD Full Load
Nitro has the ability to track full, comprehensive history on data loaded into Nitro. The data administrator can leverage an out-of-the-box mechanism to apply effective dating logic to data coming into Nitro via a custom connector.
Platform Capabilities
ETL Jobs from the Admin Console
One of the more complicated areas of Nitro configuration, Nitro ETL Jobs are now better understood through a visual navigation tool.
Downloading Metadata using the Admin Console
Access to connector metadata is now quick and easy. Administrators can download the full connector metadata package from the Nitro Admin Console.
Users and Roles
Nitro admins and data analysts have full access to Nitro database logs including logs to identify the details of loading errors (stl_laod_error) and database table locks.