Territory Geography

Geography table from Align joined with Geography Territory table and Territory table to bring in helpful information to a single location. Mappings are delivered disabled by default. If appropriate objects are brought into Nitro from Align, this mapping table can be enabled in the Align connector.

Global ODS Field Field Type

Source Data

Connector: Align

Table: geography_ods__aln

composite_key__v varchar(18)


source_system_id__v varchar(18) Extracted from Internal Admin Console
native_id__v varchar(125) vault_geography_id__v
source_connector_name__v varchar(100) Extracted from Internal Admin Console
source_table_name__v varchar(100) geography_ods__aln
territory_id__v varchar(1000)


territory_name__v varchar(384) territory_ods__aln.territory_name__v
territory_description__v varchar(3000) territory_ods__aln.description__aln
postal_code__v varchar(384) geography_name__v
administrative_area__v varchar(384) administrative_area__aln
geography_external_id__v varchar(450) external_id__aln
start_date__v timestamp start_date__v
end_date__v timestamp end_date__v
last_modified_date__v timestamp modified_date__v