CMS OpenPayments


Field_Name Type Description
change_type__v varchar(20) An indicator showing if the payment record is New, Added, Changed or Unchanged
covered_recipient_type__v varchar(50) >An indicator showing if the recipient of the payment or transfer of value is a physician covered recipient or a teaching hospital
physician_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) System generated unique identifier for physician profile receiving the payment or other transfer of value
physician_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of physician (covered recepient) receiving the payment or transfer of value
physician_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of physician (covered recepient) receiving the payment or transfer of value
physician_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of physician (covered recepient) receiving the payment or transfer of value
physician_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of physician (covered recepient) receiving the payment or transfer of value
recipient_primary_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the physician
recipient_primary_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the physician
recipient_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the physician
recipient_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the physician
recipient_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary practice/business location of the physician
recipient_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the physician
physician_primary_type__v varchar(100) Primary type of medicine practiced by the physician
physician_specialty__v varchar(300) Physician's single-specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
physician_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation
submitting_applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_name__v varchar(100) Textual proper name of the submitting applicable manufacturer or submitting applicable GPO.
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_id__v varchar(12) System generated unique identifier of the Applicable Manufacturer or Applicable Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Making payment or other transfer of value
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_name__v varchar(100) Textual proper name of the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO making the payment or other transfer of value
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_state__v varchar(2) State name of the submitting applicable manufacturer or submitting applicable GPO as provided in Open Payments
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_country__v varchar(100) Country name of the Submitting Applicable Manufacturer or Submitting Applicable Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) as provided in Open Payments
__time__v timestamp  
total_amount_of_payment_usdollars__v numeric(12,2) U.S. dollar amount of payment or other transfer of value to recipient
number_of_payments_Included_in_total_amount__v numeric(3,0) The number of discrete payments being reported in the "Total Amount of Payment"
form_of_payment_or_transfer_of_value__v varchar(100) The method of payment used to pay the covered recipient or to make the transfer of value.
nature_of_payment_or_transfer_of_value__v varchar(200) The nature of payment used to pay the covered recipient or to make the transfer of value.
physician_ownership_indicator__v varchar(3) Indicates whether the physician holds an ownership or investment interest in the applicable manufacturer
third_party_payment_recipient_indicator__v varchar(50) Indicates if a payment or transfer of value was paid to a third party entity or individual at the request of or on behalf of a covered recipient
name_of_third_party_entity_receiving_payment_or_transfer_of_value__v varchar(50) The name of the entity that received the payment or other transfer of value.
contextual_information__v varchar(500) Any free String which the reporting entity deems helpful or appropriate regarding this payment or other transfer of value
record_id__v numeric(38,0) System-assigned identifier to the general transaction at the time of submission
related_product_indicator__v varchar(100)

Indicator allows the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO to select whether the payment or other transfer of value is related to one or more product(s)

covered_or_noncovered_indicator_1__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_1__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
product_category_or_therapeutic_area_1__v varchar(100) Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_1__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug, device, biological, or medical supply. May report the marketed name of up to five products (drugs, devices, biologicals, or medical supplies) associated with the payment or other transfer of value.
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_1__v varchar(100) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
program_year__v varchar(4) The year in which the payment occurred, as reported by submitting entity.
payment_publication_date__v date The predefined date when the payment or other transfer of value is scheduled to be published


Field Name

Field Type

applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_country__v varchar(100) Country name of the submitting applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_id__v numeric(38,0) Open Payments ID of either the submitting applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_name__v varchar(100) Textual proper name of either the submitting applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_state__v varchar(2) State name of either the submitting applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO
 change_type__v varchar(20)

Indicator showing if the payment record is New, Added, Changed, or Unchanged in the current publication compared to the previous publication.

dispute_status_for_publication__v varchar(3) Indicates whether the ownership or investment interest is disputed by the physician


varchar(50) Indicator showing if the ownership or investment interest is held by the physician themselves or by an immediate family member
physician_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the physician (covered recipient) with the ownership or investment interest being reported
physician_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the physician (covered recipient) with the ownership or investment interest being reported
physician_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the physician (covered recipient) with the ownership or investment interest being reported
physician_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the physician (covered recipient) with the ownership or investment interest being reported
physician_primary_type__v varchar(50)

Primary type of medicine practiced by the physician covered recipient with the ownership or investment interest being reported

physician_profile_id__v numeric(38,0)

Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for physician profile with the ownership or investment interest being reported

physician_specialty__v varchar(300) Physician's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
program_year__v varchar(4) The year in which the ownership/investment interest occurred
recipient_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice city of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported
recipient_country__v varchar(100)

The primary practice/business address country name of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported

recipient_zip_code__v varchar(10)

The 9-digit zip code for the primary practice location of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported, if the primary practice address is in the United States

recipient_primary_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(255)

The first line of the primary practice street address of the physician with the ownership or

investment interest being reported

recipient_primary_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(255)

The second line of the primary practice street address of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported

recipient_province__v varchar(255)

The primary practice/business province name of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported

recipient_state__v varchar(2)

The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported

recipient_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the physician with the ownership or investment interest being reported, if the primary practice/business address is outside the United States

record_id__v numeric(38,0) Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for the ownership payment record


varchar(100) Textual proper name of either the submitting applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO
terms_of_interest__v varchar(500) Description of any applicable terms of the ownership or investment interest
total_amount_invested_usdollars__v numeric(12,2) The dollar amount the physician or immediate family member has invested in the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO during the program year, in US dollars
value_of_interest__v numeric(12,2) The cumulative value of ownership or investment interest held by the physician or immediate family member in the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO, in US dollars
__time__v timestamp n/a


Field Name

Field Type



varchar(55) The first line of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(55) The second line of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(20) The physician’s alternate first name as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(35) The physician’s alternate last name as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(20) The physician’s alternate middle name as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(5) The physician’s alternate suffix as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(40) The city of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(100) The country of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(20) The physician’s first name as provided in CMS physician reference data


numeric(38,0) Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for the physician receiving the payment or other transfer of value


varchar(35) The physician’s last name as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(2) The state in which the physician is licensed according to the physician’s profile in Open Payments system


varchar(2) The state in which the physician is licensed according to the physician’s profile in Open Payments system


varchar(2) The state in which the physician is licensed according to the physician’s profile in Open Payments system


varchar(2) The state in which the physician is licensed according to the physician’s profile in Open Payments system


varchar(2) The state in which the physician is licensed according to the physician’s profile in Open Payments system


varchar(20) The physician’s middle name as provided in CMS physician reference data



The primary Open Payments valid taxonomy code as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians that have a valid Open Payments taxonomy



The secondary Open Payments valid taxonomy code as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians that have a valid Open Payments taxonomy



The secondary Open Payments valid taxonomy code as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians that have a valid Open Payments taxonomy


varchar(10) The secondary Open Payments valid taxonomy code as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians that have a valid Open Payments taxonomy


varchar(10) The secondary Open Payments valid taxonomy code as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians that have a valid Open Payments taxonomy


varchar(300) The primary specialty as listed in CMS physician reference data for physicians who have a valid Open Payments primary taxonomy


varchar(20) The province of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data if the primary practice/business address is outside the United States and if applicable


varchar(2) The state of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(5) The physician’s suffix as provided in CMS physician reference data


varchar(10) The zip code of the latest “Provider Business Practice Location Address” as provided in CMS physician reference data
__time__v timestamp  


Field Name

Field Type

applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_country__v varchar(100) Country name of the Submitting Applicable Manufacturer or Submitting Applicable Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) as provided in Open Payments
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_id__v numeric(38,0) System generated unique identifier of the Applicable Manufacturer or Applicable Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Making payment or other transfer of value
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_name__v varchar(100) Textual proper name of the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO making the payment or other transfer of value
applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_making_payment_state__v varchar(2) State name of the submitting applicable manufacturer or submitting applicable GPO as provided in Open Payments
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_1__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_2__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_3__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_4__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
associated_drug_or_biological_ndc_5__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
change_type__v varchar(20)

Indicator showing if the payment record is New, Added, Changed, or Unchanged in the current publication compared to the previous publication.

clinicaltrials_gov_identifier__v varchar(11) Open Payments identifier assigned if research study is registered on
context_of_research__v varchar(500) Textual description of research context or research objectives
covered_recipient_type__v varchar(50) Indicator showing if recipient of the payment or other transfer of value is a physician covered recipient, teaching hospital covered recipient, non-covered recipient entity or non-covered recipient individual
covered_or_noncovered_indicator_1__v varchar(100)

For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule.

covered_or_noncovered_indicator_2__v varchar(100)

For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule.

covered_or_noncovered_indicator_3__v varchar(100)

For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule.

covered_or_noncovered_indicator_4__v varchar(100)

For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule.

covered_or_noncovered_indicator_5__v varchar(100)

For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a covered or non-covered product per the covered product definition in the Open Payments final rule.

date_of_payment__v date If a singular payment, then this is the actual date the payment was issued
delay_in_publication_indicator__v varchar(3) ndicator showing if an applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO is requesting a delay in publication of a payment or other transfer of value when the payment or other transfer of value is made in connection with: (1) research on or development of a new product (drug, device, biological, or medical supply) or (2) clinical investigation regarding a new product (drug, device, biological, or medical supply)
dispute_status_for_publication__v varchar(3) Indicates whether the payment or other transfer of value is disputed by the covered recipient or not
expenditure_category1__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
expenditure_category2__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
expenditure_category3__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
expenditure_category4__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
expenditure_category5__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
expenditure_category6__v varchar(50) Contextual category for this research payment or other transfer of value
form_of_payment_or_transfer_of_value__v varchar(100) The method of payment used to pay the covered recipient or to make the transfer of value.
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_1__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_2__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_3__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_4__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
indicate_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_5__v varchar(100) For each product listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value, indicates if the product is a drug, device, biological, or medical supply.
ndc_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological1__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
ndc_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological2__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
ndc_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological3__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
ndc_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological4__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
ndc_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological5__v varchar(12) The National Drug Code, if any, of the drug or biological associated with the payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_device_or_medical_supply1__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_device_or_medical_supply2__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_device_or_medical_supply3__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_device_or_medical_supply4__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_device_or_medical_supply5__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological1__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug or biological associated with this payment or other transfer of value;
name_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological2__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug or biological associated with this payment or other transfer of value;
name_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological3__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug or biological associated with this payment or other transfer of value;
name_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological4__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug or biological associated with this payment or other transfer of value;
name_of_associated_covered_drug_or_biological5__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the drug or biological associated with this payment or other transfer of value;
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_1__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_2__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_3__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_4__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_drug_or_biological_or_device_or_medical_supply_5__v varchar(500) The marketed name of the device or medical supply associated with this payment or other transfer of value
name_of_study__v varchar(500) The textual name of the study for which the covered recipient is receiving this payment or other transfer of value
noncovered_recipient_entity_name__v varchar(50) The name of the non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value
payment_publication_date__v date The predefined date when the payment or other transfer of value is scheduled to be published
physician_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the physician (covered recipient) receiving the payment or transfer of value, as reported by the submitting entity
physician_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the physician (covered recipient) receiving the payment or transfer of value, as reported by the submitting entity
physician_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
physician_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
physician_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
physician_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
physician_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the covered recipient physician, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
physician_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the physician (covered recipient) receiving the payment or transfer of value, as reported by the submitting entity
physician_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the physician (covered recipient) receiving the payment or transfer of value, as reported by the submitting entity.
physician_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the physician covered recipient
physician_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) System generated unique identifier for physician profile receiving the payment or other transfer of value.
physician_specialty__v varchar(300) Physician's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
preclinical_research_indicator__v varchar(3) Indicator showing if payment or other transfer of value is related to research, which is pre-clinical
principal_investigator_1_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_1_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_1_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_1_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_1_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_1_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value

principal_investigator_1_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the principal investigator
principal_investigator_1_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) An Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for principal investigator profile after validation
principal_investigator_1_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_1_specialty__v varchar(300) Principal investigator's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
principal_investigator_1_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_1_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_2_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_2_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_2_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_2_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_2_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_2_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value

principal_investigator_2_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the principal investigator
principal_investigator_2_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) An Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for principal investigator profile after validation
principal_investigator_2_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_2_specialty__v varchar(300) Principal investigator's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
principal_investigator_2_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_2_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_3_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_3_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_3_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_3_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_3_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_3_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value

principal_investigator_3_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the principal investigator
principal_investigator_3_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) An Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for principal investigator profile after validation
principal_investigator_3_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_3_specialty__v varchar(300) Principal investigator's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
principal_investigator_3_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_3_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_4_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_4_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_4_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_4_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_4_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_4_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value

principal_investigator_4_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the principal investigator
principal_investigator_4_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) An Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for principal investigator profile after validation
principal_investigator_4_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_4_specialty__v varchar(300) Principal investigator's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
principal_investigator_4_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_4_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_5_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary practice/business street address of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business city of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_first_name__v varchar(20) First name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_last_name__v varchar(35) Last name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_license_state_code1__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_5_license_state_code2__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_5_license_state_code3__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_5_license_state_code4__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_5_license_state_code5__v varchar(2) The state license number of the principal investigator, which is a 2-letter state abbreviation;
principal_investigator_5_middle_name__v varchar(20) Middle name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_name_suffix__v varchar(5) Name suffix of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_postal_code__v varchar(20)

The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value

principal_investigator_5_primary_type__v varchar(50) Primary type name of medicine practiced by the principal investigator
principal_investigator_5_profile_id__v numeric(38,0) An Open Payments system-generated unique identifier for principal investigator profile after validation
principal_investigator_5_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value
principal_investigator_5_specialty__v varchar(300) Principal investigator's single specialty chosen from the standardized "provider taxonomy" code list
principal_investigator_5_state__v varchar(2) The primary practice/business state or territory abbreviation of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
principal_investigator_5_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the principal investigator associated with the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
product_category_or_therapeutic_area_1__v varchar(100)

Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.

product_category_or_therapeutic_area_2__v varchar(100)

Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.

product_category_or_therapeutic_area_3__v varchar(100)

Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.

product_category_or_therapeutic_area_4__v varchar(100)

Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.

product_category_or_therapeutic_area_5__v varchar(100)

Provide the product category or therapeutic area for the covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply listed in relation to the payment or other transfer of value.

product_indicator__v varchar(50) Indicator that allows the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO to select whether the payment or other transfer of value is associated with only covered drugs, devices, biologicals or medical supplies ("Covered"), only non-covered drugs, devices, biologicals, or medical supplies ("Non-covered"), neither covered or noncovered drugs, devices, biologicals or medical supplies ("None"), or both covered and/or non-covered drugs, devices, biologicals or medical supplies ("Covered" or "Combination")
program_year__v varchar(4) The year in which the payment occurred
recipient_city__v varchar(40) The primary practice/business address city of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient
recipient_country__v varchar(100) The primary practice/business address country of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
recipient_postal_code__v varchar(20) The international postal code for the primary practice/business location of the physician (covered recipient) receiving the payment or other transfer of value,
recipient_primary_business_street_address_line1__v varchar(55) The first line of the primary business street address of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value
recipient_primary_business_street_address_line2__v varchar(55) The second line of the primary business street address of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value
recipient_province__v varchar(20) The primary practice/business province name of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value
recipient_state__v varchar(2) The state or territory abbreviation of the primary business address of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value if the primary business address is in the United States
recipient_zip_code__v varchar(10) The 9-digit zip code for the primary business location of the physician or teaching hospital or non-covered recipient entity receiving the payment or other transfer of value if the primary practice address is in the United States
record_id__v numeric(38,0) Open Payments system-assigned identifier to the general transaction at the time of submission
related_product_indicator__v varchar(100)

Indicator allows the applicable manufacturer or applicable GPO to select whether the payment or other transfer of value is related to one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, biologicals, or medical supplies). If the payment was not made in relation to a product, select "No". If the payment was related to one or more product, select "Yes".

research_information_link__v varchar(2083) Optional link to information relevant to the research study for which this payment or other transfer of value is being reported
submitting_applicable_manufacturer_or_applicable_gpo_name__v varchar(100) Textual proper name of the submitting applicable manufacturer or submitting applicable GPO.
teaching_hospital_ccn__v varchar(6) A unique identifying number (CMS Certification Number) of the Teaching Hospital receiving the payment or other transfer of value
teaching_hospital_id__v numeric(38,0) Open Payments system-generated unique identifier of the teaching hospital receiving the payment or other transfer of value
teaching_hospital_name__v varchar(100) The name of the teaching hospital receiving the payment or other transfer of value –
total_amount_of_payment_usdollars__v numeric(12,2) U.S. dollar amount of payment or other transfer of value to recipient
__time__v timestamp